The Bandura Bobo Doll Experiment, conducted by psychologist Albert Bandura and his colleagues in the 1960s, was a seminal study that investigated the role of observational learning and social modeling in aggressive behavior.

Aim: The Bandura Bobo Doll Experiment aimed to investigate the influence of observational learning and social modeling on children’s aggressive behavior.

Method: Children were exposed to a video of an adult model behaving aggressively towards a Bobo doll – an inflatable clown doll. They were then observed to see if they imitated the aggressive actions they witnessed.

Results: Children who observed the aggressive behavior of the adult model were more likely to imitate that behavior when given the opportunity to interact with the Bobo doll. This finding supported Bandura’s theory of social learning.

Factors identified: The experiment highlighted the importance of social modeling and environmental cues in shaping behavior. It emphasized the role of media literacy and responsible portrayal of violence.

Conclusion: The Bandura Bobo Doll Experiment provided empirical evidence for the role of observational learning in aggressive behavior. It underscored the importance of interventions aimed at reducing aggressive behavior through positive social modeling.

Criticisms: Some critics raised concerns about the potential for harm to the participating children and the experiment’s ethical implications.

Legacy: The experiment remains influential in the field of psychology, informing research on social learning, aggression, and media effects. It has contributed to theories of behavior modification and interventions promoting prosocial behavior.